Common Questions


"Is [x] or [y] better?"

While everything is viable, nothing is truly useless (aside from Nevermore), and you have the right to use whatever makes you most comfortable, if you're looking for meta abilities, check specific survivor pages on this website. I'll be as unbiased and neutral as possible, but because Hopoo isn't the greatest at sidegrades, there's absolutely objectively better abilities to pick than others.

"What survivor is the best?"

paladinThe best survivor is whichever one you prefer. In terms of raw single-hit damage, though, likely either Loader or Railgunner.

"What should I scrap?"

Only scrap what's actively detrimental to your run and what you know for sure you can live without.

"But [streamer] said [x]!"

The Risk of Rain 2 community is far too easily controlled by the streamers they look up to. The streamers in question will often try to push their preferences onto players, leading to misinformation as well as pointless debating and bickering. I hope that this site becomes well-known enough to reduce those problems.

However, because I'm bound to have my own biases, I highly recommend finding the answers to your own questions rather than relying on streamers or some random guy such as myself to guide you through every little thing. There are a lot of things I know that I could include on here, but part of this game's fun is learning how it works.

TL;DR: Rely on nobody but yourself and friends to learn this game. Streamers aren't always truthful, and I'm not always neutral.

"Where's the teleporter?"

First ask yourself where you spawned. Then, navigate to roughly the opposite side of the map. The teleporter should be somewhere around there. Players and teleporters have limited spawn nodes, and will always spawn on opposite ends from one another. I have tested this repeatedly, and almost precisely predicted the spawn location of the teleporter every time. I hope this will be helpful for you, if the teleporter's being a pain in the ass. Do note that Siphoned Forest has a teleporter spawn point in the center of the map in addition to the edge spawns, however.

"How do I loop?"

The teleporter on Sky Meadows has an outer ring which you can interact with. If the pieces are aligned into a spiral, you'll be sent to the final stage. If the pieces are aligned into the two-pronged shape that all other teleporters have, then you'll be sent back to stage 1.

"How do I unlock Mercenary: Ethereal?"

Wait for a good Prismatic Trials seed. Cabbage posts new Ethereal videos for every seed. (PC ONLY)